Update last interaction from whatsapp messages
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This disappears if there are new interactions. So you can't see your last interaction by whatsapp. A solution (voted a feature request a minute ago) would be to import whatsapp messages just like emails (maybe keep all day messages with a contact inside a single entry in the contact tineline?).
Kevin Sun
WhatsApp sync is now live! Check out more information here:
Kevin Sun I am surprised no one has commented on this one in the more than one month since it was launched. Is it working properly?
Kevin Sun
Yes - feel free to send any support issues to support@getdex.com but at this time we have no outstanding reports of any issues for this feature!
Kevin Sun
in progress
Hi team! We're planning on launching this shortly. If you'd like to beta-test this feature, please send me a note at kevin@getdex.com with subject: "Whatsapp Sync" :)
omri mendelbaum
Is there any update about this feature?
Ran Rahav
Will be very helpful to have it
Ritwik Manan
Kevin Sun in case its helpful, check out how Cooby.co (https://www.cooby.co/) has done this with a extension for WhatsApp web
Kevin Sun
Merged in a post:
Import context / last interaction from Whatsapp
Pulkit Agarwal
Business in South East Asia and India is done on Whatsapp. Would be great to be able to download contacts from there
Jorge Quiroga
BTW, this feature has a lot more votes, the feature is requested in several other requests with different wording
Jorge Quiroga
Critical feature, that is how millions of people actually stay in touch today
Rostan Schwab
I strongly support the view that being able to sync with Whatsapp, particularly for Dex to count whatsapp messages as interactions is a very important features. Without it, we need to manually record the timing of this messages for the "keep in touch" feature to be of any value. Please do let u s know when and if this would be implemented. Thank y ou! Rostan
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